【ホグワーツ・レガシー】#01 アズカバアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアア【どっとライブ / もこ田めめめ】【.LIVE / Mememe Mokota】

1710494015_maxresdefault-2465525-5925192-jpg ニュース









好きを共有して、輪を広げていこう!( •̀ ω •́ )✧

🎧🎶どっとライブ全体曲 「星鏡」🎶🎧

✿Twitterハッシュタグ→#もこ田めめめ ファンアート用→#めめアート


ヨカッタラ ドットライブノミンナノチャンネルモ ヨロシクネ…!!!!!!!!!!!!


      🐑🐑🐑About my stream🐑🐑🐑

Thank you for coming to the livestream!
I’m a sheep, alpaca, and human chimera Vtuber who belongs to .LIVE.

Thank you so much for your comments, super chat, hashtag feedback and archive viewing! I am very happy!

I’m studying English! I’m sorry if my English is wrong!

★ Promise with me! ★
・ Please refrain from getting excited by excessive inside joke until I tell you!
・ If you hear sheep, alpaca, chimeras, or anything that reminds me of me in other livestreams, don’t name me!
・ Please watch over without giving hints or over-suggesting until I say “Tell me”!
・ My Some of my favorite friends and content may be something you don’t like, but then don’t say anything and write nothing and gently close the livestream please.

In my livestream, it’s fun and laid-back, and in addition to the above promises, please keep your manners and enjoy!
Feel like you’re back home, and feel free to come visit us even if you haven’t seen it recently!

Thank you for all the live performances that I love!
I hope I can share a lot of likes with you.

🎧🎶.LIVE Everyone’s song 「星鏡」🎶🎧

✿Mememe Mokota Twitter:https://twitter.com/mokomeme_ch
✿Twitter hashtag→#もこ田めめめ Fanart→#めめアート

✿.LIVE Official channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZ_LA7f0sjuZ1Ni8L2uITw
✿.LIVE Goods & Voice:https://4693.live/


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